3D Drafting

2D vs 3D

The Benefits of 3D Drafting

Enravel brings your project to life with 3D CAD Drafting. Our experts translate your concept from a piece of paper into a 3D drawing that can be viewed in all dimensions on a computer screen. Turning the concept into 3D allows you and your project managers to see a virtual mock up of a job before it becomes reality so any flaws can be caught before money is spent on materials.

3D CAD drafting has been around for some time, but advances in technology have given 3D drafting tools increasing power and flexibility to create anything from an HVAC system to a skyscraper. Everything is laid out in front of the user on a screen and can be rotated on any axis to uncover hidden problems that were unforeseen in the concept stages.

2D drafting is still a valuable tool, as it is the first stage of realizing a concept. However, its very nature of 2D limits the ability of the viewer to fully conceptualize the final piece. A 2D drawing can be scanned into a system and translated into a 3D CAD drawing to fill in the blanks. The design is now lifted off the paper, giving an idea of what the final piece is going to be. At this stage, tweaks and changes can be done to the concept in order to fit the designer's vision of the final piece. This ability to change in the virtual world is invaluable to production, no matter what the item may be.

Designing an HVAC system now becomes much simpler as the building it's going into can also be designed as a 3D drawing. The draftsman pulls up the building drawing and lays out the HVAC system to go where it should go while staying within code. All of this without ever having to put out a cent in materials and having to fix mistakes later.

Enravel's team of professionals have years of experience in the 3D CAD drafting field. They keep up with the latest in programs to bring you nothing but the best in design service. Enravel does everything from designing from scratch to digitizing your old drawings for storage. We are a complete 3D design service.